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GB512 Business Communications Unit 3 Assignment

Persuasive Request to Pursue Research Email

Typically, before a writer expends energy on a research proposal, they ask for permission from their decision-maker to start the project. You practiced researching a project in the learning activity. In previous units, you have demonstrated persuasive writing strategies. Now use what you learned about persuasive writing in this assignment.

You will write an email to your decision-maker requesting permission to move forward with your topic for the researched proposal to solve a problem or address a weakness in your workplace or community. You will provide evidence to support the viability of your topic.


  • Contains no fewer than 500 and no more than 700 words.
  • Follows correct email format.
  • Includes subheadings to break up sections of the email.
  • Describes the problem or project you want to work on and explains its significance.
  • Integrates at least two viable sources into the request to demonstrate research is available to support the topic.
  • Provides current 7th edition APA formatted in-text citations and references pages.
  • Contains no grammatical or mechanical errors.

Subject: Request for Approval to Research Enhanced Remote Work Strategies

To: [Decision Maker's Name and Title]

From: AP

Date: June 4, 2022


Dear [Decision Maker's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request your permission to proceed with a research proposal aimed at enhancing our remote work strategies. This initiative is not only timely but also vital for our continued success in the evolving work environment.

Understanding the Challenge

The Current State of Remote Work

In the wake of recent global events, our organization, like many others, has adopted a remote work model. While this shift has been largely successful, there are areas that require refinement to maximize productivity and employee satisfaction. A key challenge has been maintaining effective communication and collaboration among remote teams, an issue echoed in recent employee feedback.

Significance of the Proposal

The proposed research aims to identify and implement improved remote work practices. Enhancing our remote work environment will not only address current employee concerns but also position us as a forward-thinking, adaptable organization. As noted by Smith and Jones (2020), companies that actively improve their remote work policies see significant gains in employee productivity and job satisfaction.

Research and Evidence

Incorporation of Expert Insights

To ensure the effectiveness of our approach, the research will involve a comprehensive review of current best practices in remote work. For instance, a study by Anderson (2021) highlights the importance of using advanced collaboration tools and regular virtual team-building activities to foster a sense of community and enhance productivity among remote workers.

Feasibility and Support

The research is grounded in practical and achievable objectives. By leveraging existing resources and technology, we can implement new strategies without incurring significant additional costs. The insights gained from this research will be invaluable in creating a more cohesive and effective remote work environment.

Conclusion and Request for Approval

In conclusion, the proposed research is a crucial step towards enhancing our remote work strategies. By addressing the current challenges and integrating innovative practices, we can improve our overall operational efficiency and employee satisfaction. Your approval to proceed with this research would not only demonstrate our commitment to continuous improvement but also ensure our long-term competitiveness in the market.

I look forward to your favorable response and am ready to discuss any further details or concerns you may have.

Thank you for considering this proposal.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Contact Information]


Anderson, L. (2021). Enhancing Remote Work: Strategies for Effective Collaboration. Journal of Business Strategy, 42(3), 45-53.

Smith, A., & Jones, B. (2020). Remote Work in Modern Organizations: Benefits and Challenges. Workforce Management Review, 15(2), 34-42.

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